Fienchen, that's my name. It's pronounced Feen-chen.
"-chen" is a german suffix to create a diminutive.
My whole name is Wolfienchen (wolfy-n-chen). So that might be a diminutive of a diminutive.
That being said - most people don't think of me as tiny.
I don't know though. The lady-girl oftentimes mentions me being a lap-dog...
I was born in late October in 2012. The lady-girl visited around xmas and came to pic me up mid-January 2013. It was a looooong ride but I looooooove riding in a car. It always takes you somewhere interesting.
When I was around 1 year old the lady-girl started asking "When are you going to be all shaggy? Are you going to be a shaggy dog one day... eventually?"
Shaggy and ragged - here ya go. I started to grow my hair...
Then I got tired of the blonde - you know, we did a lot of hiking... so I thought rather make it look less dirty-able...
The lady-girl does know how to tidy me up though - and I do help her a lot by looking cute.
When we're not hiking I love to watch documentaries.
I am also good at finding spots with a view. Love to sit there and just watch.
What else is there to tell... uhmmmm... I love to pick rose hips and sloe. I DO like bitter stuff. Sometimes the lady-girl brings home chicory especially for me.
Although I am VERY brave, especially around New Years, I do NOT like thunderstorms or wind in the house.
That's all for now...